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Ways to Keep Your Skin Hydrated This Winter

Ways to Keep Your Skin Hydrated This Winter

By Isabella Scala

Now that the holiday rush is over, have you noticed that your skin has been looking dull, dry, or flaky this winter season? Unfortunately, it is all too common during the cold winter months for your skin to lose the much-needed moisture it requires to keep it looking and feeling healthy. Here are some simple ways to keep your skin extra hydrated during these next few months!

1. Drink lots of water

I know everyone always says that the key to healthy skin is to drink lots of water, but this is especially key during the cold winter months! The cold air and high winds can quickly strip your skin of moisture, and drinking water regularly can help prevent your skin from being entirely laid barren. Try drinking hot tea or coffee as some fun ways to keep yourself warm and hydrated during the cold months!

2. Stop showering in such hot water

Everyone can be guilty of showering under lava-hot shower water when it’s cold outside, but did you know that too much hot water can dry out your skin? It is typically best to shower with lukewarm, room temperature water during colder months. While this might not seem as luxurious as a hot water shower, your skin will thank you!

3. Switch up or enhance your moisturizer

During the winter, your skin might need a thicker, heavier moisturizer to keep it soothed and calm. While switching to a heavier moisturizer or adding a night cream to your routine is definitely an option, I find what works best for me is simply enhancing the moisturizer I already use. I mix these Aveeno skin drops into my moisturizer in the morning and before bedtime and I find that they help lock in moisture and keep my skin feeling fresh!

4. Use less harsh toners

During the winter months, your skin does not need to be constantly stripped using a toner every single night like it might during the warmer months, when your skin is producing more oil. Instead, try to only use toner on your face every other day, or if your skin can handle it, once or twice a week.

5. Use moisturizing face masks

Face masks are a skin-saver during the winter! I personally look for masks that have hydration listed as their main focus, such as the overnight mask from Harmon’s or Mario Badescu’s multi-purpose mask. Using masks like these a few times a week (as directed on the bottle) will do wonders for your skin’s look and feel.

6. Year round tip: no alcohol

Don’t misinterpret this tip! While drinking alcohol does dry out your skin, this is in reference to the makeup products you use on your face. Make sure that all of the products you use on your face don’t list alcohol in the ingredients. All it does is dry out your skin, and this is especially what we don’t want during an already dry season! Alcohol and other skin-drying ingredients normally pop up in makeup products like setting sprays, but they can be used in almost all products, so make sure you read the labels before purchasing.

Hopefully, these tips will help you keep your skin hydrated and healthy until it’s ready for the spring sunshine!

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