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FOMO: The Importance of Taking Time for Yourself

FOMO: The Importance of Taking Time for Yourself

By Isabella Scala

As we get back to school and attempt to re-integrate ourselves into our daily routines following the madness that was Spring Break, we may fall into the trap of “FOMO” - Fear Of Missing Out. While this time during the school year is known as a period of “crunch time” for everyone with midterms, papers, internship applications, and adult life on the horizon, it can be hard to juggle the need to get our lives together with the seeming reality that everyone is having more fun than we are.

Everyone on Instagram and social media seems to be constantly going out, going on vacations, and overall just having a better time than we are. While it can be hard to not fall into this trap, especially with opportunities to have just as much fun on our horizons - such as invitations to parties and other activities that we would all much rather be doing than being stuck in the library doing homework - it is important year round, but especially at this time of the year, to understand the importance of taking time to yourself.

While it can definitely be hard to avoid all of the temptations that spring and nice weather bring, it is especially important at this time of the year to take time to yourself to reflect. Even a few hours in your own company can seem like torture in a college environment that’s all about hanging out with your friends and having fun, but there are many benefits to taking some time by yourself.

For one, you get to know yourself better! Sometimes in the rush of the spring semester, we forget to slow down and listen to what our bodies are telling us. Does your body need a nap? Do you need to do a face mask? Do you even just need some time laying on your bed and listening to some music? All of these and countless other self-help activities can help you refresh and recharge, and get your priorities back on track.

Taking time to yourself can also help you to slow yourself down. While in the thick of spring semester worries, it can be hard to remember what your most pressing worry should be right now. I know for me, I get stressed about the sheer number of assignments I have during the spring, but when I take some time by myself to give everything a good once-over, my pressing worries from before don’t seem nearly as bad.

While it may be hard to separate yourself from the social pressure of constantly being surrounded by others in a college environment, I promise that while the initial FOMO may feel bad, the benefits you can reap from spending time by yourself are numerous. There are many health benefits aside from a decrease in stress, such as increases in productivity, sparking creativity, and building mental strength. So, take the time to take some time to yourself today - even spending 20 minutes without your phone outside in the warm weather can reap massive benefits! Enjoy!

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