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5 Podcasts Every Girl Should Listen To

5 Podcasts Every Girl Should Listen To

By: Lauren Brady

I remember growing up with my iPod Touch seeing the “Podcasts” category on iTunes next to my music, but I always shied away from it simply due to ignorance. I thought podcasts discussed mundane topics that a younger audience would have no interest in until I did my research.

Now that iTunes and Spotify have dominated the mobile music market, men and women of all ages and from different fields of work are itching to share their insight on life with you. Here are some that I love listening to whether I’m at the gym, walking around campus, or cooking dinner in my apartment.


Call Your Girlfriend by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman

Sow and Friedman based the concept of their show on their long distance relationship, but the show has grown into much more as it gained more listeners. The two women seriously talk about anything and everything that supports women: politics, pop culture, clothes, etc. It is easy for me to relate to this podcast, as I find similarities between the narrators and the relationships I have with my closest friends.

SHE Podcast by Jordan Lee Dooley


This is one of my favorite podcasts because it discusses personal development in such an easygoing, relatable manner. Jordan touches on money-saving tips, identifying and shutting down gossip, and ways to push past your comfort zone. Her podcasts are on the shorter side (around 30-60 min.), and I love connecting with her and the guests she brings on the show.

How I Built This with Guy Raz


Guy Raz sits down with entrepreneurs and innovators in a wide variety of fields, ranging from music to clothing brands and more. I recently listened to his podcast with Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, the founders of SoulCycle. I had no idea their million-dollar industry started out in a small studio in Manhattan! Raz’s guests share tips for aspiring businessmen and women, such as ways to overcome all obstacles, whether they be financial or mental.


RISE podcast by Rachel Hollis

Author, mom of four, and entrepreneur Rachel Hollis designed her podcast for women who want more out of life while balancing a busy schedule. Similar to the SHE Podcast, Rachel’s episodes touch on positivity and success and feature notable guests, such as Joe Biden and the Chief Marketing Officer of kate spade new york. Also, if you’re interested in her two books, Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing, select chapters from both are read aloud during some of the episodes.

Money Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life by Laura Adams, MBA

I’ll be the first to admit that my knowledge of important things like savings plans, investments, and overall budgeting isn’t up to par. Although these financial terms are scary, it is essential for every girl to understand the different roles that money plays in your life before graduation. Laura Adams makes these terms simple for those who aren’t in VSB so every woman can get a kickstart on her financial future.

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