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Dating Long Distance

Dating Long Distance


By: Lauren Brady

I miss my boyfriend John from home every day, but, with Valentine’s Day in the air, my heart hurts knowing I can’t just drive 15 minutes to his house to enjoy a nice dinner or to just hang out. Being in a long-distance relationship for a year and a half has certainly changed my outlook on responsibility and commitment. Whether you’re an hour apart, thousands of miles apart, or a whole ocean apart (hello, study abroad!), time does seem to go by a lot slower when you’re thinking about the next time you get to see him or her. After some frustration, sadness, and eventual happiness once I figured out what works for my boyfriend and me, here are some tips I use to make “long distance” only a phrase and just like your normal life with your significant other.


Google search “ways to improve my relationship,” and I bet every search result will have this in their Top Five. I’m serious - whether it’s in person or over the phone, talking things out will improve even the most minor issues. I tend to snap very easily over something I disagree with, and blowing up over text makes it harder for your S.O. to interpret what you really mean behind the sarcasm and “lol” inserted at the end of the text. Take five minutes out of your day to call them and calmly explain the situation using “I feel” statements, and don’t lie to your S.O. saying you don’t have time to heal an argument.

Plan it Out


Compare your schedule with your significant other’s, and think about the times during the week when you can give him or her your undivided attention. If you have a job at school, even the ten minutes it takes walking to class in the morning sets a positive tone for the rest of the day! Texting obviously counts as a form of communication, but there’s nothing like hearing his or her voice.

Date Nights!

John and I try to have a FaceTime date at least once every two weeks on the weekends to replace something we’d otherwise be doing. This includes watching a movie or TV show together, having a “dinner date,” or even reading some of your favorite books! After comparing your different schedules, see when the best time during the week would be for you two. This gives you both something to look forward to when you otherwise can’t spend time together after a long week of school.

Small (or Large) Gifts!!

There’s nothing better than getting a package from the mailroom, especially when it’s a surprise. Small tokens of your appreciation really go a long way, and when I mean small, I’m not kidding! Amazon Prime makes it so easy to send snacks, cards, and basically anything that could put a smile on your significant other’s face. Be sure to include a note, too!

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