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Knowing When It's Time to Take a Break

Knowing When It's Time to Take a Break

By Kaitlin Costarene

Usually, the idea of a break sounds enticing. It’s something most of us are drawn to every so often, and most of the time, it can be really good for you. As Villanovans, we have just dragged ourselves through the first week of classes back from Fall Break, a time when many students relaxed and decompressed after a stressful week of midterms. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when you really need a break, whether it means spending ten minutes away from the essay on your computer screen or spending an entire week off campus. Here are a few ways to know when it’s time for you to take a break:

1. When your mind becomes cluttered and you feel overwhelmed.

Sometimes, everything feels like it’s happening at once and it’s too much to handle. When we feel overwhelmed, our bodies are under stress. Stress can make you physically ill and can also skew your emotions. While it can be important to work through moments of stress, it is also important to step away from the stressor (whatever it may be!) and take a break. 

2. When everything is irritating. 

When things that wouldn’t usually offend you become extremely irritating, it’s time to take a break. We become extra testy when we are tired and overwhelmed, so keep an eye out for this reaction in yourself. If you notice that this is happening to you, don’t worry - take a break. 

3. When it’s hard to laugh at your mistakes. 

As the saying goes, we all make mistakes. Mistakes are simply a part of being human, and there is no way to escape them. It’s important to acknowledge mistakes in order to learn from them, but when they seem so detrimental that they change the entire course of your day or make you feel like a failure, it’s time to take a step back. Acknowledge those feelings, but keep in mind that you might also need a break.

4. When you forget what really matters. 

Being able to identify what’s really important in life is one of the most valued skills that an individual can have. For each of us, those things may be different. Whether it is your grades, your health, your family, or anything else, keeping your priorities in perspective is key to a happy life. However, when we feel overwhelmed and exhausted, these priorities can be skewed. Noticing that you have forgotten what is most important in your life is a telltale sign that you need to take a break.

Noticing and acknowledging the signs that indicate “break time” is essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind. But what really is a break? 

A break can be anything that takes your mind away from the stress, and focuses it back on the task in a healthy way. Listen to your favorite song, take a walk outside, spend time with friends, or even go home for the weekend! A break can be whatever you need it to be. Don’t feel like a failure in admitting that you need a break - we all need a break sometimes. So as we make our way back into the groove of classes and campus life, try to keep your priorities straight and your mind free of clutter, and definitely don’t be afraid to give yourself a break.

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