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Your Network is your Net Worth

Your Network is your Net Worth

By Mia Clingham

As we reach what has felt for me as a long, stressful first quarter of the semester, I want to reflect on the people who have gotten me through it. Overwhelming schedules are a constant in college students’ lives, but it's the people we surround ourselves with who help us succeed.

I came back from break struggling to find pockets of happiness I so desperately needed. I struggled to balance family concerns and the start of classes. What I found to be the most helpful in re-finding my routine was leaning on my social connections. As I finished grueling Macro-theory problem sets, I was grounded by my future roommates who finished every completed derivative with 15 minutes of giggles. I felt replenished by the support from my Dance Company members who were with me at my highs and much lower lows. And, it was my family who reminded me of their unconditional support through a number of five-minute phone calls when I needed them most. 

Our social connections support us through low moments, and they provide the best community to celebrate our highs with. For me, surrounding myself with the right group of people was a hard balance of finding support with tough love, kindness paired with authenticity, and dependability amongst adversity. I am glad to say I have found many of these relationships. However, the ones with the strongest impact and most lasting memories are those which not only foster support, kindness, and safety but reciprocity as well. My social communities have helped me through difficult times, and I am prepared to be their safety net when they need me most. Sending out that “hey how are you” text has become an important staple in my life as both the sender and recipient because I know how a simple check-in message can turn my day around. 

The time and energy we put into social connections loose and strong result in tangible benefits down the road. In other words, our communities quite literally provide us with connections for networking and continued success. When we utilize our networks and reciprocate that support, our communities open doors for new opportunities, an increasingly important part of the job search for young college graduates.

Have no fear. Reach out to friends, expand your networks, and promote kindness. It’s corny but true: your network is your net worth in highs and lows.

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