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Value Based Goal Setting

Value Based Goal Setting

By Mia Clingham

Following a very stressful midterms week, it's become increasingly clear that the culture of motivation which guides Villanova students can cause a lot of us to stray from our true values. It’s no shock that in this competitive environment, students strive to perform to the best of their abilities; many have taxing courseloads paired with ranging involvements from pre-professional clubs, resume-boosting internships, and other leadership positions. Test season leaves students feeling overwhelmed and overworked. 

When I think about the real goals I have for my life, the ones that will define how I feel, the ones that impact how others perceive me, and the ones that will genuinely allow me to succeed, nowhere is a grade I need for a sociology paper or GPE midterm. Instead, I think of things like surrounding myself with people that love me. I hope to have a genuine purpose that makes me 

feel fulfilled. I hope to feel proud of my achievements. I digest the days I spend in some sadness by reflecting on how much and how often I smile. The more I utilized this value-based goal setting, backed by authenticity, kindness, love, confidence, community, and integrity, the more I came to realize that many of the goals I’ve deemed ‘necessary’ for my life lack the values that matter most. Or maybe, it’s that I’ve lost sight of some of these values in the pursuit of perhaps overly-ambitious goals. 

Some things I’ve tried to keep in mind: 

● Set and execute goals that align with who I am 

● Happy > what others deem successful 

● Stay ambitious while remaining grounded and positive 

● Focus on growth and progress above all (even in the midst of failure) ● Remember all the reasons you have to smile today 

Writing this article has been somewhat therapeutic as I try to unpack how sleep-deprived I reallyam and how I shape my goals surrounding a life of purpose. So, as we venture into a hopefullyrestful, fun, spring break, keeping our values in mindcan help us stay on track to success.

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