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Tips for Dealing With Seasonal Depression

Tips for Dealing With Seasonal Depression

By Olivea Kupiec

CW: Discussion of seasonal depression

Seasonal depression is a real thing. As days get shorter, and the sun sets earlier, many of us are left feeling down throughout the winter days. During the winter season many of us feel down and I certainly fall victim to this. While every case is different and I cannot promise a complete cure for everyone, these are things that have helped me get out of my funk. It is important that we do not forget about our regular routine just because the seasons change. One of the most important things that I have learned over the years is that keeping a steady schedule is so crucial. Finding things that make you happy and incorporating them into your everyday life is the key to helping you stay happy as the seasons change. 

One of my favorite things to help me get in check with myself and give me a boost of energy is workout classes. Whether it be pilates, spin classes or yoga, any exercise helps. Recently, I have been loving going to Bulldog Yoga. I never used to be much of a yoga girl but over the winter season it really helped me sweat out my stress and realign my values. When you workout, you are releasing endorphins which really helps with your mental well being. Taking workout classes or just going on walks outside not only releases stress but it also helps boost both your mental and physical energy. 

Another activity that always helps me brighten my days is seeing friends. While it might be really hard to motivate yourself to make the effort to see people, once you do, it instantly makes you feel better. Being around people helps take your mind off the hardships you are facing and especially helps get in a good laugh. Even something as simple as calling a friend for a good conversation might brighten your day. Sometimes, a mood boost is even as simple as taking advantage of days where the weather is nice. Even if it's cold out, playing outside in the snow, going to the park or going on a walk outside is necessary when the sun is out. 

In closing, the winter days are dark and long which can really take a toll on many people's lives. Finding activities that make you happy can change the way you feel about the seasons. While everyone copes differently, these are things that help me which is one of my biggest suggestions. I cannot promise that these will help you, but they definitely help me. I suggest to everyone that you try these as they will help make winter your favorite season! 

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