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The Power of Positive Affirmations

The Power of Positive Affirmations

By Molly Mook

The power of positive thinking is so real — your self-talk can either make or break you. The  average person has around 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts every day, and 80 percent of those thoughts are negative, according to the National Science Foundation. What is self-talk? It is the constant stream of thoughts and messages going through our heads 24/7 which can either help us succeed or limit us. Luckily, there is a way to have more positive self-talk.


One method to work on improving your self-talk is by starting each morning with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are encouraging statements that help you to challenge and overcome your self-doubting thoughts. Repeat them until you believe them. This kind of goes with the idea, “fake it ‘til you make it.” 

I write out a few affirmations for myself every single morning, and I believe this practice has increased both my happiness and self-confidence levels. I’d also recommend putting a few affirmations on sticky notes and placing them on your mirror or in a place you’ll read them each day. 

Here is a list of positive affirmations for some inspiration:

  • I am proud of the person I am becoming.

  • The only opinion that matters is my own.

  • I am worthy of positive changes in my life.

  • I am superior to self-doubt and negative thoughts.

  • My challenges help me grow.

  • I love and accept myself.

  • I am full of energy.

  • My voice deserves to be heard.

  • I attract opportunities.

  • Today will be a great day.

  • I am confident.

You can even get super specific and make your daily affirmations based on how you hope to feel or perform that day.

  • I am a good public speaker.

  • I am ready for my exam.

  • I am a strong runner.

  • I will grind out my homework.

People who engage in positive self-talk are usually more productive, motivated, happy, and confident. Benefits include longer life spans, lower levels of depression, better coping, better physical, psychological, and cardiovascular health, and engaging in healthier habits overall. Writing daily affirmations empowers me to start my day on a good foot with confidence to live my best life. The Buddha once said, “What you think you become;” I completely agree that mindset is everything. 

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