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Navigating and Balancing Relationships in College

Navigating and Balancing Relationships in College

By Daniella Palladino

Escaping the immature, drama-filled environment of high school dating into a pool where everyone is an adult can be a hugely welcome change. There are thousands of new people to meet, which can lead to many exciting opportunities to connect on a special level! People in college relationships are facing multitudes of challenges while welcoming doors to opportunities, so finding a balance (especially moving out of the times of coronavirus quarantine) can be a substantial adjustment. This does not at all mean relationships are unmanageable; they can conversely create a space to lift and empower with love and support.

Communicate Honestly

As much as you may think you can read your partner’s mind and vice versa, it is unfortunately not true for everything. You each may have different ways of expressing emotions, and you need to keep each other informed. No one wants to accidentally hurt the other, but it may happen unless someone takes the step to speak up. Even the amount of expected communication on a daily basis may have to be addressed.

Understand and Respect One Another’s Priorities

Once you have communicated your feelings, ideas, and expectations successfully, it is important for you to maintain a sense of respect towards each other. Relationships should not be all-consuming; you should both be an aspect and complement to one another’s lives. Especially once your lives and roles in different activities become more established, responsibilities and time commitments may change. Classes may get harder, and in general, you must be adaptable for life’s changes in order to flourish. This growth can happen in many different ways, and it is so wonderful to have a partner supporting you through.

Plan Time for Each Other

School and life in general can get pretty heavy- it’s important to plan out some time for fun! A movie night or a trip out to dinner can be a revitalization of energy and happiness. If things get hectic, a small thoughtful moment can show just how much you love and care about each other.

There Are No Rules!

There are no two relationships that are the same, so there is no need to compare what other couples do. No one knows a relationship better than the people who are in it, so go with your gut and follow what feels right! Relationships will have many different phases, some more graceful than others, but all important. Relationships, especially in college, provide a special opportunity to connect intimately with someone for possibly the first time (or the first time in a meaningful way)! Try to savor your connection with one another, make beautiful memories, and embrace each other for the special people they are.

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