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Making the Most of Your Memories

Making the Most of Your Memories

By Ashley Mulhare

As college students, we all tend to get very caught up in our busy schedules without taking the time to actually enjoy our 4 year experience. I know I’m not alone in feeling as though the past 2 years I have spent here at Villanova have flown by. In reflecting on my time at this university, I want to remember more than just the grade I earned on an exam or my semester GPA. I want to remember the friendships I’ve formed, adventures I’ve experienced, and memories of the late nights out without any care. I think it’s important for everyone to start keeping track of their college adventures, and here are the best ways to do just that. 

  • Create a scrapbook

With all of the photos we have nowadays on our phones, we might as well present them all. Buy one scrapbook for every year of school and plaster the pages with photos of you, your friends, and your surroundings. It’s the perfect way to share your memories with others and keep them forever. $15 on amazon, worth every penny. 

  • Journal 

Not only has journaling been proven to help decompress after a long day to keep in touch with your emotions, it’s also a great way to not only just remember your adventures, but also to remember how you actually felt living them. Writing about the good, the bad, and the ugly of your college experience can help you reflect back on your early twenties while realizing how much you’ve grown and developed over time. 

  • Start a blog

Whether you want it to be private or public, starting a blog online is a super easy way to start sharing your memories. With both descriptions and photos, you can make a shared blog with your friends where you can post all your memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you want to make it a private website or public with the world, a blog is a great place to start. 

Make your memories last forever, and share them with the people around you. Make the most of your 4 years of college to be sure that you’ll never forget.

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