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Lessons from a Villanova Senior

Lessons from a Villanova Senior

By Lauren Jones

As my senior year progresses, I find myself frequently reflecting upon my time here at Villanova. During my four years here, I have grown in all aspects of my life. I have experienced monumental gains, losses, wins, disappointments, and pure happiness. Through each of these moments, I have learned important lessons that I would love to share. Although these pieces of advice may seem random, each one holds a personal connection to my heart and may help you embrace all aspects of your own college experience. 

School Advice:

  • Take advantage of every opportunity on-campus (this sounds generic, but seriously: most other schools don’t have the same opportunities that we do). 

  • Embrace the Villanova culture (like orientation) and push yourself out of your comfort zone (like through joining a new organization). 

  • Sit outside when it’s warm. 

  • Don’t overexert yourself. 

  • Spend more time on-campus rather than in your dorm– this is how you run into people you love and meet new people! 

  • Take one of those random classes just for fun (I guarantee it’ll be one of your favorites), and sit on the terrace of the Performing Arts Center– it is such an underrated spot. 

  • Take photos of your room each year because one day you will want to remember what it looked like. 

  • Try and get to know your professors, prioritize your well-being before getting an A, celebrate the success of others, and start off overly-loud when giving a presentation because it will help your voice shake less and sound more confident.

  • Go to all the Wells Fargo games.

  • Cherish all of the Villanova sunsets. 

  • Play sports on campus with your friends just for fun.

  • Host people in your dorm room.

  • Be extra polite to the employees on campus.

  • Take advantage of the SEPTA and go into Philly.

  • Take the long way every once in a while.

  • Raise your hand even if there is a chance your answer is wrong.

  • Learn to love how often it rains here.

  • It is okay not to know what you want to do for the rest of your life just yet.

Personal Advice:

  • Be bold and be yourself – you will gain more respect and self-satisfaction.

  • Don’t be afraid to say no.

  • Keep some things private. 

  • Take risks. 

  • Put in the effort to stay in touch with your family and home friends.

  • Your views on different subjects are going to change – be open to it.

  • Don’t ever doubt that you deserve to be here.

  • Make mistakes but learn from them each time.

  • Embrace change because there is going to be a lot of it.

  • Be open and honest when there is an issue with someone in your life.

  • Do what it takes to protect your energy. 

  • The universe will give you opportunity and strength but it is up to you to take action.

  • Don’t rush because the most important things take time.

  • One day you’re gonna cringe at some of your freshman year moments (that means you have grown).

  • Rest is necessary.

  • Always have something to look forward to.

  • You can’t really change others. 

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

  • Take care of your mind, body, and soul (this takes real effort but it is so worth it!).

  • Write down some of your favorite memories so you will not forget them in the future.

  • Don’t force things.

  • Embrace embarrassment. 

  • Lastly, you are going to experience a rollercoaster of emotions throughout your time here; the world won’t stop for you, which is both beautiful and frustrating.

I hope some of these lessons resonate with you! I will leave you with a quote that I have hanging in my apartment: “A joy it will be one day, perhaps, to remember even this.”

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