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How to Get the Most Out of Your School Break

How to Get the Most Out of Your School Break

By Lauren Jones

One thing that always reigns true about school breaks is that they never feel quite long enough. It is normal to feel utterly exhausted once you exit the cycle of classes and meetings; this cycle highlights the importance of delegating your time between personal and social activities. 

Breaks are the perfect time to catch up on rest and reset. First and foremost: SLEEP! Take a break from your alarm clock and let your body catch up on the rest it so desperately needs—even if this means throwing off your routine by waking up late! Being at home means you can take your time, slow down, and unwind from the fast-paced everyday life of a student. Enjoy not having to rush through meals or eat snacks on the go between classes. 

Closing your laptop for at least a full day to truly “unplug” from your responsibilities is another great way to relax. Give your mind and eyes some time to refresh. In place of your electronics, pick up something you may not be able to allocate time to at school. I love to read, but find myself with very little free reading time during the week. During my time at home, I like to pick a book and let myself become engrossed. 

Take time to spend with your family and friends. Text your hometown friends and catch up with them! There is nothing more rejuvenating, peaceful, and nostalgic than spending time with old friends. Still, it is important to not overexert yourself with social activities while you are home. This is a precious time to refuel your mind, body, and soul, so be sure you are making room for some personal time to do what makes you feel good. Maybe go on a drive with your favorite music or take a long walk with your dog! Lastly, soak in every moment with your family. They have been counting down the days until they can see you, so be kind and present (even if your siblings get on your nerves)!  

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