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Healthy Doesn’t Look the Same on Everyone

Healthy Doesn’t Look the Same on Everyone

By Anna Mayock

I’ll be the first to admit that I have fallen victim to social media videos, pictures, and articles feeding me a “healthy daily routine” that I should be following. And I’ve tried them all. Day after day, I have attempted to implement this “healthy” routine into my life with no success. Most of this routine revolves around waking up early, drinking lemon water, and rolling your face with a guasha (or some other fad tool) to reduce bloating and get you ready for the day. After this, you have to journal, read your book, meditate, and exercise, followed by a healthy breakfast. While this may be a “healthy” routine, it is not the only one. What is most healthy and important is finding a routine that works for YOU because, let’s face it; healthy does not look the same on everyone.

It took me a long time to realize that following the routines of the girls I watch online is actually the most unhealthy thing I could be doing for myself. It feels highly unrealistic for college students to want to start their day at the crack of dawn with an ice roller or hot lemon water. However, I also understand the importance of routine — following a method that works for my body and me makes me feel more productive, and thus in turn helps my mental health. My perfect healthy routine was not created overnight by implementing every “healthy” task I saw on social media. It took me a long time and some much-needed self-reflection to craft a routine to meet my needs specifically, but outlined below are five easy tools that can help you find a routine that works for YOU:

  1. Realize your goals. Whether they be short-term goals or long-term goals, simple or complex, knowing what you want to do with your day will help you form a routine.

  2. Start small. Want to wake up earlier? Try setting your alarm 15-30 minutes earlier each week to best adjust your body and mind to meet your goals. Making small changes each day will amount to a habitual routine that will benefit you both physically and mentally.  

  3. Enhance your already existing habits and behaviors. Recognize the good habits instilled in you and add to them, and try transitioning from problematic ones.

  4. Make time to do the things you love each day. Never forget this.

  5. Do NOT beat yourself up for not following a “healthy” routine consecutively. What you feel you need in your body and mind IS healthy. Life is constantly changing, so give yourself grace in moments of guilt. 

Health does not look the same for everyone. Finding the right routine for YOU takes time, and it is important to remember this amongst the constant circulation and obsession of “healthy daily routines” posted online. Your daily routine may look a lot like the ones you consume online, or it may be completely different. No two routines will be the same, and no two days will be the same. But once you find the right routine for YOU, then you will truly understand what being “healthy” really is.

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