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Embracing your Unique Self

Embracing your Unique Self

By Isabella Tricarico

In a world where social media is as popular as it is in our generation, it is almost impossible to not compare ourselves to others. On all forms of social media, whether it is Instagram or Tik Tok, we are watching people traveling to amazing places, or doing fun activities with their friends. It is hard not to compare how you and your life look like against the carefully curated lives seen on social media. However, what is often overlooked is the fact that these are only glimpses into the lives of others; people only post about the best parts of their lives, and social media doesn’t show the raw and true form of people. Embracing your unique self is empowering and essential to improving your mental being. 

Authenticity is one of the most important aspects to remember when you feel yourself falling into the hole of comparison. Everyone has unique attributes that they contribute to the world that make it beautiful. It is important to not feel pressured to conform to social norms or what others want you to be because you will find that when you are true to yourself, you are a happier and better version of yourself. 

The person you once were will not be the person you are today or even in the future. We are constantly changing as humans to adapt to the world, but we also change based on values and morals that shift with age. Continue to explore new hobbies, and what resonates with you, without fear and judgment.

When trying new things, it is common to face insecurities or self-doubt. However, it is important to remember that your self-worth is not determined by external validation or the opinions of others. Remind yourself of your inherent value; once you can treat yourself with kindness and accept yourself, you will truly be able to embrace yourself fully. 

Your unique qualities and experiences can guide you toward finding your purpose and passion in life. Listen to your inner voice, follow your heart, and pursue the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. When you align your actions with your authentic self, you'll find greater meaning and satisfaction in everything you do. Embracing your unique self is a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love. It's about honoring who you are, unapologetically and authentically.

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