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Eat to Glow!

Eat to Glow!

By Lauren Martyn

If you are anything like me, then you are no stranger to dry, dull skin in the winter months. The cold temperatures are so harsh on our skin that we are often left with dry, flushed faces. No matter how many serums or moisturizers we apply, our skin doesn’t seem to stand a chance against the colder weather. There are other ways to combat dry skin this winter besides topicals!

Something that is often overlooked when talking about skin health is the effects of what we put IN our bodies. Diet plays an important role in the appearance of our skin; our skin needs an abundance of water and nutrients to stay healthy. Incorporating certain foods into our daily diet can help keep our skin glowing and looking its best! 

Essential nutrients and minerals for the skin include zinc, fats, proteins, B Vitamins, and Vitamins A, C, and D. If you are suffering from dryness, Vitamins A and B encourage cell renewal and help to reduce inflammation and flakiness while healthy fats work to maintain hydration and strengthen your cell membrane. Collagen supplements are a trendy new addition to our skincare regimen as the collagen in protein helps to maintain your skin’s elasticity. Health professionals recommend getting this straight from the source rather than in the form of powders or supplements.

You may be wondering how to incorporate all of these nutrients into your diet, but it really is quite simple! Eating whole foods will provide you with all of these essential vitamins and minerals, but here are just some suggestions:

  • Fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado for healthy fats 

  • Berries and dark chocolate for antioxidants 

  • Sweet potatoes for Vitamin A

  • Red and yellow peppers for Vitamin C

  • Meat, eggs, and beans for a complete protein intake 

  • Oranges for Vitamin D

  • Spinach or grass-fed beef for zinc

Just remember, every person is different. If you are feeling stuck, keep in mind that there are so many other delicious whole foods that can leave you feeling great and your skin looking amazing. When in doubt, eat the rainbow!

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