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Building a Better Bedtime Routine

Building a Better Bedtime Routine

By Meaghan Falconer

Sleep is vital, and good sleep is so important to our mental and physical well-being. Humans require lots of sleep to have energy and support cognitive functioning. Restful sleep does wonders for mental and physical health yet for many, they are not getting the amount of hours necessary to support our bodies. If you are someone who experiences trouble falling asleep at night, establishing a nighttime routine to wind down for bed can create a positive impact on your rest. 

Getting into bed and trying to fall asleep is often a difficult task. Many find themselves mindlessly scrolling social media until they look at the time and wonder where it went. People find themselves tossing and turning, often anxious, and overthinking, with their hearts and mind racing. Optimizing the transitional period from wakefulness to sleep will help prime the body and mind to achieve the best rest. 

A good bedtime routine begins with a physical and mental wind down. You can start your winddown 30 minutes to 2 hours before you go to bed. Developing a winddown routine to signal to your body that it's time to relax for sleep is helpful. This consistency of going to bed at the same time every day helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally. 

There are many ways to establish a bedtime ritual. The first step is putting your work day to bed before you put yourself to bed. Though it can be difficult to switch off, shutting off your laptop and thoughts about work is vital to get your mind off work after a long day. Choose a bedtime that allows for 7-9 hours of sleep, then before that time work on creating healthier habits to reduce stress and calm your mind to make sleep more accessible. 

Activities such as reading a book, doing some light yoga or stretches, practicing deep-breathing exercises, listening to music, and meditation can help relax your mind and body. It is best to stop using electronic devices two hours before bed as blue light from electronics suppresses melatonin production, forcing us to stay awake. For many, it is not possible to leave that much time between our use and sleep so instead, try your best to give yourself the most time you can; opt to turn on nighttime mode on your devices to dim the harsh blue light. Your nighttime routine can also include transforming your bedroom. Ensuring your room is dark, cool, and quiet is an easy way to create optimal sleep conditions. Putting things away and removing clutter, lighting a candle, and gathering your favorite pillows and blankets help to prepare your bedroom for optimal sleep. Creating a soothing and serene place specifically used for rest will allow your mind to ease into a state of relaxation and sleep.  

Establishing a winddown routine will allow you to get the best sleep so you can wake up and show up as your best self both mentally and physically. Sleep well!

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