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Body Image and Social Media

Body Image and Social Media

By Madison DeLuca

Having a positive body image is something with which many teenagers struggle. Body image is the subjective image people have of their own body, and it is a complex notion made up of beliefs, perceptions, and feelings. The way we view ourselves and our bodies affects our mental health, our physical health, and our relationships. Negative body image develops when we are unsatisfied with the appearance of our body. It can often cause unrealistic expectations of how our body should look, potentially leading to dieting or constantly checking/avoiding ourselves in mirrors. This idea of having a negative body image is often evident in eating disorders because people tend to place a high value on their body shape and their weight.

Disordered eating can often result from having a negative body image; some people may restrict their eating or exercise too much, obsessing about one’s weight and how they look. Having a negative body image or a warped sense of one’s appearance may make someone want to change their habits. While eating disorders come in many shapes and sizes, some resulting from a negative body image, it is important to remember that your body needs fuel to help you live out your dreams and be a healthy individual.

It is unfortunate that many individuals struggle with their body image and are unhappy with the way they look. It is also unfortunate that many girls determine their self-worth based on their physical appearance and body shape, and I believe that social media and the effect it has on our culture greatly exacerbates this issue. Social media is filled with people presenting the best version of themselves, and it can hurt one’s body image by constantly exposing someone to the “ideal” body type. This leads to people constantly comparing themselves to unrealistic standards and seeing other pictures of people only presenting their best selves. I also think it is important to acknowledge that photoshop and filters are often used on social media, further adding to an unrealistic body image.

However, social media, if used properly and not in excess, can be a positive thing. It is important to take a break from social media and only follow accounts that make you feel good. Pay attention to accounts and images that lift you up rather than make you feel worse.

While you cannot go from a negative body image to having a positive body image overnight, here are some helpful things to keep in mind that can help you over time. Show gratitude for all your body can do and what it does for you. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not just about your physical appearance. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body. Think healthier, not skinnier. Surround yourself with positive people who help to lift you up and make you feel good, instead of bringing you down. Try your hardest to not compare yourself to others and try to look at yourself as a whole person. In other words, do not focus on specific parts when looking or thinking about yourself. Additionally, make sure to buy and wear clothes that you feel good in. And lastly, do something nice for yourself.

Having a positive body image can be challenging, but remember that social media isn’t always how it appears. Everyone’s body shape is different, and beauty isn’t just about physical appearance. You are beautiful in many different ways, and you need to celebrate what makes you, you.

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