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Summer Plans Don’t Have to be Stressful

Summer Plans Don’t Have to be Stressful

By Maddie DeLuca

As summer approaches, the pressure to find an internship and have a productive summer is upon us. I believe that society has instilled this idea that we need to figure out our whole life at such a young age, and it can sometimes take over our mental headspaces. Additionally, the competitive environment in which we live and learn can increase this anxiety and pressure as we tend to constantly compare ourselves to others around us. College students often feel the need and pressure to build a robust resume and get the competitive edge. It is hard because if you do not know what you want to do, how are you supposed to apply to internships? I am here to hopefully ease some of this anxiety and remind you that it is not fair to compare yourself to others because a productive summer can look different for different individuals. 

As a Communications major, I often find myself comparing myself to other students who are headed down very different paths than me. For example, my roommate and some of my other close friends are in the Business school, and they are accounting majors who have just secured internships at the Big 4 for summer 2023. I am very excited for them, but this is also very daunting to me because they already have their next summer planned out while I don’t even know what I want to do this upcoming summer. However, I need to, along with everyone else, realize that accounting is very different from engineering which is very different from public relations, so I need to try my hardest not to compare myself to my friends because the comparison does not even make sense. 

Remember, summer plans look different for everyone. Maybe you went through all of your spending money this past school year and need to make a lot of money over the summer, so you work as a waitress and get tips or maybe you babysit for a family during the week. Maybe what you would earn from babysitting is a lot more than what you earn as an intern, and making money is your priority this summer. Priorities differ from person to person, so try your best not to compare yourself to others.

In writing this article, I wanted to express that it is totally normal and okay to have a relaxing summer working at an ice cream shop or lifeguarding. I personally have not yet figured out my summer plans, so it is okay to not know yet either. I am excited to spend time with my family and get tan at the beach while also making money, whether that be at a PR internship or working at my local café. I trust that everything will work out, and I don’t need to have my whole life planned out or compare myself to others. 

We all have worked so hard all year long, and it is totally okay to relax on the beach, make money babysitting, work as an intern, or anything in between. All paths are awesome. You just have to figure out what is best for you!

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