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Benefits of Hydration

Benefits of Hydration

By Mary Skobieranda

We’ve all heard the old “eight glasses a day” rule about hydration. Although this rule has been denoted as fiction by many health experts and the perfect amount of water consumption for any individual depends on several different lifestyle factors, staying hydrated is always important. There are many research-backed reasons that encourage staying on top of your daily water intake. Here’s a few of the health benefits of hydration!

Curbs Muscle Fatigue 

  • Drinking enough water aids in physical performance, whether that’s intense exercise or just a walk around the block. By replacing lost fluids, your muscles won’t get quite as tired and your overall performance may improve. 

Assists in skin health 

  • Maintaining a state of dehydration over time has poor effects on skin. Instead, keeping up with your fluids contributes to the elasticity of skin and helps prevent various sources of irritation.

Enhances brain function 

  • Staying hydrated appears to play a beneficial role in curbing feelings of anxiety and problems with memory and cognition. If you’re feeling sluggish and unable to concentrate, try adding a glass or two! 

Assistance with detoxification 

  • Keeping your daily water consumption in check assists in the body’s removal of various damaging substances, such as toxins and wastes. 

So, if you’re looking for a simple lifestyle change that will show great benefits in your overall health, start by prioritizing a proper water intake to fuel your body and mind! 

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