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Your Higher Self

Your Higher Self

By Rachel Reardon


On my journey of health and wellness, I have come across a lot of influencers who offer advice about being your authentic self. I’ve absorbed and practiced many different forms of self-love, but I think the most useful piece of advice I have come across is to identify with my higher self on an everyday basis. I learned about the concept of higher self through two of my favorite podcasters, Gretchen Geraghty and Tori DeSimone. Both are lifestyle influencers who are extremely positive and share their tips on manifesting greatness. I definitely recommend giving a listen to their podcasts if you want to make some improvements in your life.

The idea of the higher self seems pretty obvious at its face value, but actually, it is a concept that not too many people think about on a daily basis. First, when trying to be the best version of yourself, you really need to process what is actually important for your well-being. For example, you may have heard that meditation is an important part of a daily routine. Yet, if you are someone who is extremely energetic, a better activity for self-care may be attending a power yoga class in the morning. You have to find out what is best for you. Once you know what actually matters and works for you, then you can visualize your higher self. Basically, this means that you should explore what the best version of yourself looks like. Are you living in a certain city? Doing a certain job? In a relationship? Picking up a hobby? These are all questions you should answer (the more, the better) when picturing your higher self. The more specific, the better. Once you have a broader scheme of what the best version of yourself looks like, you can craft your daily activities around developing this higher self. 

The hardest part is following through with your commitment to devote your daily life to your higher self. But don’t worry—it is supposed to be challenging. I have to constantly remind myself of small things to accomplish throughout the day. For example, my “higher self” does not go on my phone for the first thirty minutes of my day. My higher self drinks lots of water. My higher self goes to the gym five to six times per week. My higher self reads instead of watching Netflix. Trust me, I have definitely not mastered all of these habits and I consistently struggle to maintain these kinds of behaviors. But when I think of my journey to being the best version of myself, I know that these steps are necessary. 

As always, it is important to not put too much pressure on yourself. Yet, breaking your bigger goals down into small daily routines that push you towards bettering yourself and thus creating the life you desire is key. Sometimes, we cannot maintain every healthy habit every day of the year. It is okay to give yourself some grace. As long as your goals are still in mind consistently and you have a clear vision for how you will improve the next day, that is all that matters. Self-improvement is a constant battle that is hard to achieve all the time, but taking it day by day will guarantee you a chance at fulfilling your highest self’s needs.

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