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Signs it's time to take a social media detox

Signs it's time to take a social media detox

By Fran DeNunzio

Social media consumes a large part of our lives, especially now with so much going on in the world. It’s become the way to stay connected with family, friends, and acquaintances during the time of social distancing. It offers a simple way to stay updated and informed with current events. And lastly, it provides a constant source of entertainment. It’s easy to get caught up in the continuous cycle of new content appearing on all of the various social media platforms. However, social media can take a significant toll on our mental health. This is why it is so important to take a break from social media. 

There are significant benefits in detoxing from social media. They’ve been shown to help reduce anxiety and improve your mood, establish healthier social media habits, rest your mind, and give you more free time in your day-to-day schedule. 

So how do you know that it’s time for a detox from your social media? Here are some common signs that it’s time to break it off with social media for a bit:

  • You find yourself losing track of time scrolling through social media

  • You begin to feel anxious, overwhelmed, irritated, or annoyed every time you get on social media

  • You keep finding yourself getting onto social media for no reason

  • You start to compare yourself with others on social media

  • You constantly feel the need to get on social media

  • You dread having to get on social media

  • You’re tired of social media

  • You feel like social media has taken over your life

If you find that you can relate to any of the experiences above, I suggest taking a social media detox. What’s the best way to do that? Here are some recommendations on how to effectively take a detox from social media:

  1. Determine the length of time you wish to take a break. I recommend detoxing for at least 7 days, but the most important thing is to take a break for as long as you feel like you need to. There should be no pressure for you to get back on social media. If you realize that you’re much more content staying off of social media indefinitely, then that’s great! The goal is to improve your well-being by taking time off from these addictive apps.

  2. Delete all of your social media apps from your phone and log out of your accounts if you have access to them on your laptop. Block the apps if you need to. There are helpful apps and websites to block you from opening apps or going to certain websites (I recommend the website Cold Turkey and the app Freedom). It’s important to minimize the access you have to social media if you want to successfully take a social media detox. 

  3. Detox with a friend! Joining forces with roommates or friends will encourage you to properly take a social media break. It’s easy to hold yourself accountable for this if others are also holding you accountable. You can make it a collective effort to better yourselves through distancing from social media.

  4. Fill the time you gain from this detox with meaningful activities. You will soon realize just how much time you were wasting scrolling through your social media accounts. With this extra time on your hands, incorporate new activities into your daily routine. Spend time outside, try out a new recipe, exercise, read, listen to music or podcasts, or plan something fun with a friend! You’ll likely feel more fulfilled replacing the time with purposeful activities.

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