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Staying Connected While Social Distancing

Staying Connected While Social Distancing

By Reilly Siebert

This new semester comes with more challenges than most. Between social distancing and online classes, it’s easy to feel isolated. Staying connected with others is more important than ever right now, but it can be challenging. I am going to share a few tips on how to manage the isolating feelings of this semester while being safe and social. 

Get Outside

Being stuck in your dorm all day while taking classes on your computer can be draining. With most classes online, we are missing out on walks to and from class. Since there is still some summer sun, take advantage and sit outside in your Villanova portable chair while you attend online class. You can also do some homework outside to change up your study spot from your dorm. You can even get together with some friends and take a walk around campus. Walking to the Starbucks next to campus is also a fun option. Just don’t forget a mask! Getting outside everyday is so important, and these are just some of the ways in which you can do so. 

Try a New Workout

Staying active is so beneficial to physical and mental health. Whether you have a go-to workout or are looking for something new, working out is a great way to promote wellness this semester. Working out with friends is also a great way to be social. It can be as simple as going on YouTube and finding a yoga video to do with your roommate, or going on a run or walk with a friend. YouTube has a wide variety of free workout videos to choose from, which helps keep your workouts interesting and fun. It is more important than ever to stay healthy. By working out, especially with a friend, you can take care of your body and your mind. 

Have a Self-Care Day/Night

Self-care can really help you during a bad day, or it can just make a good day better. You can make your self-care night social by including your roommates or a friend. Target, CVS, and Amazon all have great options for face masks, nail polish, and some great snacks. Those self-care items paired with a good movie on Netflix or Hulu make for a great night. You can take care of yourself and relax while also getting to spend quality time with friends. 

Although this semester is challenging in different ways than usual, there are plenty of ways to stay well while being safe. Getting outside, working out, and self-care are just a few of the many ways you can stay connected while social distancing. 

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