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Beating the Monday Blues

Beating the Monday Blues

By Sam Washburn

It’s a Sunday morning. You wake up feeling a little unsettled, knowing the weekend is almost over and a new set of responsibilities and challenges lie ahead. Mondays can be tough, but they can also represent the start of a new week. With new weeks come new opportunities and new chances to feel your best. Here are four ways to make the most out of your new week and beat the Monday blues:


1. Create Something to Look Forward to

Waking up on a Monday morning knowing that you’re looking forward to something later in the day can be a game changer. Whether that’s a yummy breakfast, your favorite coffee, or having a study date with a friend later in the day, having an activity planned can help keep spirits high throughout the day.


2. Move Your Body

Any form of exercise, whether that’s walking, running, or lifting weights, can have a positive impact on both your physical and mental state. Exercise releases endorphins which can boost your mood. Exercise can also be a method to practice mental toughness. If you can motivate yourself to get through a tough workout, you can apply that mentality to other challenging activities throughout the week, like studying for exams or preparing for job interviews.


Villanova’s new scheduling system for using the gyms on campus has made planning a workout even easier. You can schedule an appointment up to three days in advance. Scheduling a timeslot to workout can help you stay motivated to actually show up at the gym and get that workout in. Be sure to blast some upbeat tunes while you move!


3. Plan it Out

Planning your week out by each day can help you feel less overwhelmed. Every Sunday, I like to plan out each of my days of the week. By planning my week out on Sunday rather than Monday, I can take a deep breath on Monday morning knowing exactly what responsibilities I have lined up for the day. I start with inputting my class times and homework due for each class. I also note any meetings I have. This allows me to see which days I have free time to either study or do fun and relaxing activities. By planning out your week, there will be no surprises in your schedule. Additionally, you can feel more in control of your time.


4. Practice Gratitude

While going to an 8 AM on a Monday morning sucks, things could probably be worse. Practicing gratitude each morning (or any time of the day!) can help shift your mindset towards viewing each week as an opportunity rather than an obligation. I like to list out five things I am grateful for each morning, and then list out five positive affirmations for the week. While this practice can sometimes be a bit timely, it can help immensely with your mental state. I always feel more grounded and aware of myself once I do this. Even just verbally listing a few things you are grateful for each day can help you approach your day with a more positive attitude.

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