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Five Things I Learned While Studying Abroad

Five Things I Learned While Studying Abroad

By Julia Valenti

Over the course of these past few months, I couldn’t help but reminisce about my favorite abroad memories. While being at home has taught me to enjoy family time and reconnect with a lot of old hobbies, it has also reignited my wanderlust. I anxiously await the moment when I can return to the city that now has my heart and see the people and places that have changed me invariably. Though my semester abroad was unfortunately cut short, my seven weeks in Milan proved to be an invaluable life experience. The many ups and downs taught me a lot about the world and even more about myself. If you, too, are dying to travel when things calm down, hopefully these life lessons can help you have the best experience wherever you go. 

1. Manage Expectations

Studying abroad in Italy was something that I had dreamed about doing my entire life. I imagined myself doing school work at cafes and walking along quaint cobblestone streets with picturesque ivy-clad houses. Though I tried my best to do my research, there were many things that I was not prepared for upon my arrival, such as the modernity of my city, the surprisingly cold weather, or even the fact that iced coffees could not be found anywhere. Once I was able to readjust my expectations, I was able to see the beauty and wonder of my new city for what it was. Even more so, the things that had surprised me all ended up being things that I greatly appreciated and enhanced my experience even more (like discovering cappuccinos, which made me forget all about iced coffee).

2. Be Flexible

I originally entered my study abroad semester with a bucket list of carefully-selected cities and sites that I wanted to explore. However, in the early weeks of my program, I made the decision to forego my strict plan and say yes to every opportunity that came my way. Some of the best trips ended up being ones that I planned at the last minute to destinations that I hadn’t even heard of before. Additionally, by joining people on trips I wouldn’t have originally gone on, I actually formed my closest friendships. When you’re halfway around the world, keeping an open mind and taking a few leaps of faith is necessary. You never know which exciting road it will lead you down, and with all of the endlessly rich and diverse cultures to explore in the world, you can’t go wrong.

3. Learn How to Adapt

It is inevitable during your study abroad experience that you will make some mistakes and things will go wrong. If you are like me, this will happen a lot. Throughout my semester, I dealt with missed flights, horror Airbnb’s, uncomfortable hostel experiences, and a COVID-19 outbreak splitting up all of my friends, to name a few. It's so important to become comfortable doing things on your own in case things like the above happen and a long-distance call to your parents–something I’m notorious for–is not an option. Just remember that obstacles are not the end of the world, and there is always a solution. By the end of my trip, I realized that I was capable of a lot more on my own than I previously thought.

4. Interact With the Local Culture

While abroad, it’s really easy to fall into a routine and get comfortable socializing with only the people in your program. While making friends with American students is a good thing, going abroad is also one of the few times in your life when you will be totally immersed in a new culture. Take the time to get to know the locals around you. They can show you the best hidden spots in the city, help you to improve your language skills, and broaden your perspective by teaching you about local culture firsthand. Some of my most cherished experiences came from getting to know the Milanese people and finding out how much we had in common.

5. Remember To Be in the Moment

You will encounter homesickness at some point or another during your time abroad. You’ll miss your family, friends, and the comforts of your home country, but it’s important to not let this hold you back from engaging with all of the amazing things happening around you. Home will always be there when you return. Treat each day abroad like a once in a lifetime experience, because it really is. Remember to stop and smell the roses, make the most of every day, and eat lots of good food! By the end of your time abroad, you will wonder how you will ever say goodbye to your new city.

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