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The Power of Books

The Power of Books

By Fran DeNunzio

Over these past few weeks, I have been working hard to find the silver linings during this uncertain time. One of the silver linings I have discovered is that being stuck at home has given me more time to read for leisure. Reading is one of my favorite things to do, but at school, I tend to find myself too busy or tired between class, extracurricular activities, and studying to fit reading into my daily schedule. Whenever I start reading again after having not picked up a book in a while, I’m always reminded of why I love to read so much in the first place. 

Books are a wonderful source of comfort.

Reading a book is extremely relaxing. When I take a break to read, I always want to sit in a comfortable spot where I can stretch out and fully focus on the story. I never do this when I take a break to scroll through social media. Instead, I just remain in the same uncomfortable spot that I’ve been doing work in for hours, and I end up not feeling relaxed at all. However, I always feel relaxed when reading. It’s very calming for me to curl up in a comfortable spot and let my mind wander off into the world of the book. I know that I am not alone in this feeling, as many of my friends and family also love to decompress with a good book.

Books are the perfect escape because once you find a book that interests you, begin reading, and become attached to the story and characters, it becomes a challenge to actually want to put it down. Books give you the ability to detach from the chaos of life around you and transport you to a different world for a bit. Reading books requires real focus, unlike watching television or a movie, and that focus allows books to be a true distraction. It’s very comforting to me to know that even if it’s just for a few minutes, I can give my mind a break by entering into the story of a book. There’s also nothing better than returning to one of your favorite books and getting lost in the story all over again. 

 Curling up in a cozy spot to read a story that captivates you is truly the epitome of comfort to me.

Books are inspiring.

When a book gets you so excited that you can’t stop thinking about it or can’t put it down (or maybe you even start and finish it in one sitting), you know that you have found a good book. Knowing that the simple words of a book can have such a profound impact on you is inspiring. Sometimes all it takes is one or two sentences that make you stop and think, “Wow, this book really speaks to me,” or, “This really challenges the way I think,” or even just, “This is an amazing book.” It’s important that books allow us these moments because we often don’t have the time to pause and reflect over something we see or hear. But when we read something that makes us stop and think, we are able to process what we feel and learn from the writing. Books leave a lasting mark, and because of that, we always keep the feelings, emotions, thoughts, and lessons from what we have read with us. 

Books are a never-ending source of entertainment. 

As much as I love watching television shows and movies, sometimes I get tired of the same storylines and predictable endings. Sometimes it feels impossible to find something interesting to watch. I never feel that way with books. I can always depend on a new book to excite me and have me wondering what will happen to the characters until I reach the very end. Hundreds of millions of different books exist in the world right now. That means that there are always new books, authors, and genres to discover. It’s almost impossible to get bored with reading books because there are so many to choose from. You just have to find a book that captures your attention. And finding a new book that you can’t wait to read is such a happy occasion. 

I think that many people are searching for comfort, hope, and a welcome distraction during this time. The next time you are bored, need a break, or have some extra free time on your hands, I encourage you to pick up a book instead of spending more time on your phone or watching television. I promise you won’t regret it.

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