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Keeping Healthy Habits During Social Distancing

Keeping Healthy Habits During Social Distancing

By Mary Skobieranda

The effects of the COVID-19 outbreak are creating a broad and destructive global impact. It is important to acknowledge the individual impacts that have become a necessity due to the current conditions of this pandemic. Social distancing is a concept unlike anything the majority of us have ever experienced, and with anything unfamiliar comes some challenges.

It is important to address that the practice of social distancing can have a strong effect on our mental and physical health. We are inherently social beings, and authentic human connection is what makes us thrive. 

Some of us college students are acting like this virus is making us press pause our goals and the things bring us happiness. While this is an extremely disruptive situation, being off campus and practicing social distancing does not mean the end of human connection or other important aspects of life. It doesn’t mean you just have to fill the hours until the pandemic passes. Instead, push yourself to take advantage of the free time by developing healthy mental and physical habits! You’ll be grateful for the time you spent establishing a healthy routine when life gets hectic again. 

In terms of physical health, find a way to get yourself moving. A day of sitting in your room and staring at a computer screen is only going to make you want to go back to sleep. If you get into a routine of exercising, you’ll likely find that it really energizes you. If you miss being able to go to the gym, there are tons of workouts online that you can do on your own time without any equipment. If you wish you could be at your favorite workout class, plenty of places have started class programs online, so do your research! This situation also makes it incredibly easy to fall into the habit of eating out of boredom or stress. It is absolutely important to treat yourself on occasion, but staying hydrated and prioritizing nutrition will make you feel better as you go about your day. 

Not having the opportunity to socialize and have fun times with friends can be understandably taxing on your mental health. Take a step back and think about the things about your typical routine that bring you joy. Those things can combat the loneliness that comes with social distancing. Stay in touch with your friends virtually! But instead of feeling obligated to text all day long, make a plan with a friend to talk over the phone or FaceTime. Better yet, use this time to call a friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with. You might have a lot more time than usual to sit around with your thoughts, so journal and get them down on paper! Also, don’t feel the need to inundate yourself with a constant feed of news about the progression of the virus. Recognize that there is a healthy limit to staying informed, and limiting your intake of media at a stressful time may be beneficial to your mental health. 

Know that you are contributing to the greater good in this time of social distancing. Since we’re all living in uncertainty, prioritize the activities that make you feel better. Practicing healthy habits for your mental and physical health can be a great way to get into a routine and boost your mood. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, just try to add one new beneficial practice to your daily schedule and see the difference it makes! Adding small changes over time is still a great way to make positive changes in your life. 

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