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Keeping Things in Perspective

Keeping Things in Perspective

By Kaitlin Costarene

When life presents us with hardships, it is often easy to lose perspective. After the recent Kobe and Gigi Bryant tragedy, I have realized that the problems in my life, although seemingly impossible to overcome at times, are temporary and small. Of course, we all face challenges and obstacles, but the one mistake that most of us make is losing perspective. When something goes wrong, we fail to recognize that life is full of challenges, and in the end, whatever you’re dealing with will probably pass. This is not to say that your feelings are invalid. It is a gentle reminder that maybe you’ve lost perspective (as I am certainly guilty of more often than not). After the sudden death of Kobe and Gigi, I have gained a new perspective on the challenges I am currently navigating. Life can be taken away from us in an instant, so while we are lucky enough to be on this earth, we should enjoy every moment possible. 

Turning to faith in difficult times can be a great way to cope with whatever you’re struggling with. Truly believing that God has a plan for each and every soul on this earth may bring comfort during the tough times. When we face difficulties in life, maintaining the belief that God will work everything out is key. Keeping a gratitude journal is also a great way to cope with difficulties. If it seems like something you’re dealing with is taking over your life for the worst, try to remember all of the blessings in your life that you’re grateful for. It’s okay to feel down and to have bad days, but it’s more important to pick yourself back up and remember that life is filled with so many beautiful things and so many beautiful people. Life is short, so don’t waste any time. 

Vanessa Bryant is currently facing an entirely new reality for herself and her children. This horrific helicopter crash, along with other tragedies across the globe, serves as a reminder that life is so precious and fragile and finite, and it can be taken from us in an instant. So when it seems like your problems are taking over your life and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, remember that you are so blessed to be alive. As we all try to create meaningful lives for ourselves, we must also keep in mind that ultimately, the only things that truly matter are our health and the people we love. I am a firm believer that we cross paths with people for a reason, and that those in our lives are meant to be there. Taking loved ones for granted is quite possibly the biggest mistake we can make. So when you find yourself freaking out over a poor test grade, a tough roommate situation, or even a difficult breakup, try to keep things in perspective. Be happy, do the things that you enjoy, and tell your loved ones how much you love them, sincerely and often.

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