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Three Solid Movie Choices for a Relaxing Night In

Three Solid Movie Choices for a Relaxing Night In

By Fifi Fraga

We ALL have this issue. It’s cold out and you’re staying in. You put on Netflix. Next thing you know, an hour and a half has gone by and all you’ve done is scroll through different movies and shows, watched way too many trailers, and end up settling for a random sitcom you won’t pay attention to. Then you spend most of the night on your phone either way scrolling through the same stuff you always do. 

Well, to make your movie choice easier, I’m going to talk about some I’ve recently seen to narrow your search for the right one. 

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: This movie starts out with Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, and directed by Quentin Tarantino. If you did not know that, welcome back to earth! It received a ton of awards since its release, including Best Motion Picture. I personally love this movie because it main focus are the challenges of a struggling actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) in his rise to fame in the 1970s. The plot also touches upon his stunt double (Brad Pitt) and his encounter with the Manson Family Cult, along with Margot Robbie’s character’s own startup acting career. The movie does not follow a typical orderly plot format, but that is what makes it all the more intriguing. If you do not understand what I mean, you will when you watch it! 

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Two Popes: This is a really interesting movie starring Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict XVI and Jonathan Pryce as the cardinal who would become Pope Francis. It caught my eye through its exposure of the Catholic Church and its processes in electing a new pope, while highlighting the differences between a Pope who wants the role, and one who humbly would prefer not to, and revealing who is better suited. It goes into the drama of Benedict’s stepping down from the church, initially behind closed doors, and his trust in Francis throughout the process. Pope Francis evidently steps up to the role as Pope as we know from history, but I’ll let you watch the rest yourself. 

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No Strings Attached: If you are in need of a classic, light hearted rom-com, you cannot go wrong with this one. Believe it or not, I had never seen it before a couple of nights ago. Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman play two people who have known each other since they were kids. Eventually, years later, they get themselves into a casual hookup situation, but one of them starts to develop feelings. It’s a great feel-good movie if you’re in that kind of mood. 

So hopefully, instead of browsing through your Netflix “recommended” list and taking forever to decide on something to watch, I’ve saved you a few hours. Just head straight to your search bar and type in any of these movies to enjoy your night in. 

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