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What Makes a Great Mental Health Day?

What Makes a Great Mental Health Day?

By Alexa Silvestri

We made it through midterms. We are pushing through a pandemic. We are all working so hard to get good grades, remain in good health, and balance busy schedules. Mental health is just as important as physical health for maintaining those balances. Our minds are what drives our decisions, thoughts, attitudes, and more. Everything we do comes from our minds and our hearts. Also, our physical fitness can be a crucial aspect of our mental state.

While we are approaching two months of winter break, it is still important to give ourselves some “me time” now as we wrap up the semester. A mental health break does not have to last a whole day. Even taking a short break can be helpful. Remember that we usually put others first, but you are your biggest priority, and supporting your mental health helps you stay happy and healthy. Giving yourself a mental health day is a great way to prevent burnout and finish the semester strong. Here are a few ways to give yourself a proper and well-deserved mental health break, and a suggested schedule for a whole mental health day: 

1. Put the textbooks, phones, and laptops away. In our society, these actions are almost impossible. However, these items can be major stressors in our lives. Even just 20 minutes without any electronic or textbook in front of us can benefit our life by allowing us to relax. 

2. Take a nap. Sleep is so important. While we must get an average of eight hours of sleep a night, it can also be helpful to schedule some time during the day to rest our eyes and minds.

3. Find time to go outside. A breath of fresh air can do so much for our well-being. Go for a walk or grab a chair and enjoy the outdoors. Reset your mind with a few moments connected with our environment.

4. Do something you love that you never have time to do in your regular schedule. We all have hobbies, interests, and personal lives outside of our normal routine. It’s important to make time to get back to those things that are truly important and special to us. Even if it’s something as small as throwing on a face mask or painting your nails for a fresh start to your next day, taking a moment to do the things that make us happy can make a big difference.

Mental Health Day Schedule:

Morning: Wake up at a reasonable hour (around 9 am). Eat a nutritious breakfast. Go on a walk, run, or any form of physical activity. Cool down with some meditation or yoga. Turn on some positive music. Shower. 

Afternoon: Make lunch. Make time for your favorite stress relievers, like coloring, painting, or baking. Go outside. Go for a drive (hopefully with windows down) and your favorite playlist on. Go back home.

Night: Have a healthy dinner. Make some tea or hot chocolate. Turn on your favorite movie or television show. Treat yourself to some dessert, maybe your favorite Ben & Jerry’s. Go to bed (around 9 pm) and get your eight hours of sleep!

Whatever you do during your mental health break or day, spend your time doing things you love, things that relax you, and things that meet your unique interests and hobbies. Have a great mental health day!

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