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The Importance of Body Positivity

The Importance of Body Positivity

By Lauren Beizer

We all have those days where we look in the mirror and feel discouraged by what we see. Whether our minds tell us we aren’t pretty enough, skinny enough, or overall good enough, these feelings hurt us and have a dangerous impact on our overall well-being. For example, sometimes our negative thoughts about our bodies can be so damaging that we feel restricted in our food choices and can’t bring ourselves to eat our favorite “unhealthy” foods even when we want them. We all have those days where we just don’t feel okay in our own skin, and this can be a very difficult thing to process. This article is here to provide some reminders as to how we can embrace feeling comfortable and confident in our own bodies without societal pressures telling us we aren’t good enough. 

Realizing that Everyone is Different 

Our bodies are not at all supposed to look like the retouched images we see on social media or in magazines. Every single human being has a different body type and has different bodily needs. We are by no means homogeneous. Being, looking, and feeling different in our own skin is not only okay, but something to be grateful for. We are our own human beings with our own bodies to nourish and take care of. We have to treat our bodies well and take care of them to the best of our abilities. We have to come to terms with the fact that our bodies are different from our peers and that we all have different needs; it’s a part of our individuality. 

Realizing that it is OKAY to Treat Yourself 

Everyone has those thoughts telling them not to eat certain foods or not to look a certain way. These thoughts are so unhealthy for the mind and for overall self-confidence. We know what our body and mind need, not anyone else. Eat a cookie or brownie if you’re craving it. Wear that shirt or dress you love without worrying about anyone else’s opinions. At the end of the day, we are under so much pressure societally to look and act a certain way, but we have to realize that prioritizing what makes us happy and feel well is the only way to do right for our bodies and minds. This means treating ourselves in moderation and embracing the ability to be comfortable in our own skin.

Realizing that Some Days it is Hard 

Some days it is so hard to embrace our uniqueness. Not everyone feels confident and comfortable being themselves on a day-to-day basis, whether because of our own insecurities or pressure from others. It can be so difficult to overcome those fears of sticking out. The first step to overcoming our fears is to embrace them; really process what they mean to you and look at ways that your fears hold you back. The more we evaluate why we are feeling the way we are about ourselves, the more we can see how inhibiting it is to not want to be who we truly are and treat ourselves as well as we can. 

Looking Forward 

I hope that this article provided insight into how you can feel comfortable in your own skin and get over the fear of breaking societal norms or succumbing to societal pressures regarding body image. We are so much more than what we look like on the outside. We need to take care of our minds and bodies to the best of our abilities because there is truly nothing more beautiful than just being our true selves in our skin.

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