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Finding Your Place at Villanova

Finding Your Place at Villanova

By Sam Washburn

“College is the best four years of your life” is a saying we’ve all heard. When people say that, what they fail to include is that your college years can also be some of the most challenging of your life. There are many adjustments and changes in each year of college that can take time to get used to. Moreover, there is an expectation that college students will “find themselves” during these four years, although developing a clear life path and sense of self is quite a daunting task.


It can be challenging to really get to know yourself at Villanova, especially during your freshman year. At any university, but at Villanova in particular, there can be a certain molds to fit into. Villanova students truly do it all. Just to name a few “molds,” there can be the pressure to be involved with as many things as possible on campus. There can be the pressure to go out as many nights as possible and have a “typical” college social life. There can also be pressure to get excellent grades and impress your professors from day one.


For many students, college is the first time they experience complete independence. Students live on their own and are responsible for schoolwork and managing their free time. When you first begin college, it may seem like you have all the time in the world to yourself. While scary at times, spending some of that time alone can actually be one of the best ways to learn more about yourself, as you truly are alone with your thoughts. Also, you can learn more about yourself by meeting as many different people as possible. You can widen your perspective, and you learn more about who you get along well with and what qualities you value in your friends. While spending time alone or striking up conversations to make new friends may be awkward or uncomfortable at times, they all lead to you to ultimately know more about yourself. While it can be challenging, getting to know yourself is what can make college the best four years of your life.


It can be hard to know what social group, extracurriculars, and major are right for you, but it is so important to listen to yourself and notice how you feel. Ask yourself, “Am I happy right now?” or “Is this how I imagine my next four years going?” If you don’t feel at ease immediately, that is okay, as things can take time. But also pay attention to see if you need to make any changes to feel happy and healthy. 


Our differences are what make us unique. If you are interested in something that your roommate or friends may not be, that’s okay, as it’s an opportunity for you to thrive and have different experiences. While it may be difficult to embrace what makes us unique initially, doing so is vital. There is no mold of what the typical Villanovan student should be—that is up to you. Each person brings new ideas and energy to campus and we should embrace these differences rather than trying to blend in. Everybody has a place on Villanova’s campus—your unique place on campus is yours to create!

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