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Your Guide to a Healthier Sleep

Your Guide to a Healthier Sleep

By Hailey Cernuto

Probably one of the worst feelings ever, one that happens to some more often than others, is not being able to fall asleep. Whether you had caffeine too late in the day or are feeling anxious about tomorrow’s exam, losing sleep is something we all face from time to time, and something that hurts everyone. 

Losing or lacking sleep impacts us in a number of ways. It affects our daily mood, focus, metabolism, and eventually overall health. That said, it is so important to pay special attention to what keeps us up at night, as well as what helps us get a good night’s rest. 

For me, there are a few key methods I turn to when I can’t sleep. When my mind is racing, or I’m stressing about something I can’t really change, I essentially purge these thoughts by writing them down. Keep a journal close when this happens. I truly believe there is something about externalizing your worries that is really calming. 

In addition to journaling, I am an avid proponent of natural sleep supplements, like melatonin. I like the Olly Melatonin gummies, and Unisom (non-habit forming) sleep gels. For people who prefer to stay away from sleep supplements, foods that are high in the melatonin-producing amino acid are almonds, turkey, chamomile tea, bananas, and tart cherries. This goes without saying, but stay away from caffeine and sugar before bed.

Two huge steps I take during the day that I know will help me fall asleep are exercising for a good hour. As we know, exercise has a significant amount of health benefits, such as improving heart health, promoting a strong metabolism, mood improvement, and so much more. Exercising regularly can help reduce anxiety and ease stress, two common reasons we sometimes cannot sleep. Additionally, exercise puts the body into a deep, or “restorative,” sleep for longer periods of time, which is the sleep we need to feel well-rested in the morning. Lastly, exercise increases your body temperature, which later sends the body into a temperature-drop mode, which promotes falling asleep. For me, the best feeling ever is getting into bed after taking a class at OrangeTheory. My body is tired, I melt into my mattress, and I am so excited to give myself the rest I know I need. 

While exercise is something that is no problem for me, I also try my best to limit screen-time before bed. But it is definitely easier said than done. As students, we spend most of our days staring at screens. In class, while doing homework, and from being on our phones 24/7. It's a subconscious addiction that is lethal for sleep. The blue lights on our laptops, phones, tablets, etc. suppress melatonin in the body, which makes it hard to fall asleep. Also, the information we use our devices to see is stimulating. Opening Snapchats, scrolling through Instagrams, and typing papers all energize the brain and make it harder to get into a calm headspace. When I can, which is less often than I would like, I try not to go on my phone (too much) or use my watch Netflix about an hour before I plan on going to sleep. Instead, I usually opt to read. 

While all the things I’ve mentioned are super effective in helping me get a good night’s rest, sometimes it's just the little things, like clean sheets or showering closer to bed-time, that help me get to sleep fast. Whatever works for you, stick to it because sleep is vital for your health and happiness! 

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