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7 Ways Villanovans Keep Their Spirits High

7 Ways Villanovans Keep Their Spirits High

By Mary Kaitlin Enright


Being happy isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. I think that we all know that sometimes it can be very difficult to maintain a good attitude, especially among all of the stresses and pressures that we face from our external environment every day. But, maintaining happiness is the key to maintaining your mental health, too. Here are a few ways to stay happy from some of your very own Villanovans:

1. Always keep your perspective

It can be really easy to get caught up in life’s details-- to think that a test grade will determine your GPA, or that your GPA will determine your success. It is important to always try to take a step back and see how these little stressors are interacting with your greater world. Think big and beyond, and let yourself find happiness outside of the details. 

2. Make time for yourself

Spending time alone is just as important as spending time with others. It might seem counterintuitive, but time spent alone gives you a chance to relax, unwind, and reflect. Whether this comes in the form of binging a Netflix show without the “chill,” doing a facemask before bed, or making yourself dinner, there are so many little ways to spend some quality time with the person that matters most: you!

3. Say “Yes” to new plans, new friends, or new opportunities

This is one that I actively practice in my life as often as I can. You never know what is on the other side of an offer for a plan that you haven’t had before, with people you haven’t spent time with before, or an opportunity that you’ve never had. So, get out there and give it a try! If you open the door to those new experiences, you might find a new source of happiness on the other side. 

4. Always say “Hi” first

It feels good to say “Hello” to others around campus. So, be the one to extend the conversation first! You will find that when you chat with more people, your walk across campus gets that much brighter.

5. Make people laugh

Humor is one of the best ways to introduce happiness into your life, and laughing with other people makes humor that much more fun! Dedicate some time to having fun with your friends, whatever what that looks like!

6. Stay active 

This is a classic one, but very important! Not only is it scientifically proven that exercising promotes happiness, it also just feels that way! Working out can boost productivity, as well as mood. So get after it!

7. Spend time with friends and family

Being alone is important, but so is spending time with the people you care about. As social beings, we are naturally drawn to and draw happiness from being around other people. Even though busy schedules can get in the way sometimes, it is important to always integrate some quality time with loved ones into your schedule. 

And that’s what Villanovans have to share about how they maintain their happiness throughout the stressors of daily life. But there are so many more ways to stay happy! Whether it is one of the strategies above, a habit you picked up elsewhere, or a combination of both, finding ways to keep your head high will help a little each day.

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