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Need Restaurant Recs? Check Out The Infatuation

Need Restaurant Recs? Check Out The Infatuation

By: Rachel Zuercher

The Infatuation— They are that friend that has tried all the good, new, and exciting restaurants and gives you the lowdown before you venture out yourself. They are as candid as can be and give you recommendations on what to order, when to go, what to drink, etc. If you follow along their restaurant ride-alongs on Instagram, they reserve a table under fake names, pay for everything on their own, and give a legit review. Unlike a lot of influencers around the city, they are not being paid or sponsored by these restaurants. They are not worried about having the best lighting, and getting the perfect shot, but instead they are focused on the food and the atmosphere. Period. No over the top descriptors, or long drawn out tales to that time they were in Europe somewhere tasting the original, freshest thing and how this restaurant can replicate exactly that. Instead, they are just a group of people trying to find restaurants best for every situation you may need. Need a place for your third date? Check out this Guide.  Are you a broke college student (@ me) and need somewhere affordable to go? There is a Guide for that.

I have used this website every time I am in any city that they are covering (NYC, SF, Boston), and am so happy that they finally came to Philadelphia because of its amazing food scene. I can count on them to find the best, new, or hidden restaurants and know if they are worth it before I go. And you should too.

I was lucky enough to meet up with Sydney McElwee who brought the Infatuation to Philly to ask her a few questions about the site and her experience so far. She grew up in Bryn Mawr, went to Nashville for college, moved to NYC for a few years and is delighted to be back in her home city to eat at all the best restaurants for her job (life goals amirite?!)

Where did you go to college? What did you study? Where did you go from there?

Sydney left Bryn Mawr to head to Nashville to go to Vanderbilt. She graduated with a degree in Human and Organizational Development and ended up heading to NYC to go to Miami Ad School. From there, she worked as an Art Director in Healthcare advertising. Although she learned a lot, she did not love the environment and the work she was doing. She gave some great tips on how to transition from school, to work, to anything really. She said that she went through periods of time not really knowing what she wanted to do and feeling pressure graduating college and needing a good job. She felt as if everyone was competing on getting the coolest, best, high-paying job and it was overwhelming.  And now, most of the people she knows from college aren’t even doing what they started out doing. She truly believes that you have to keep an open mind and follow your intuition. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be where she is today. Go for what you want and what brings you joy, and try to not get caught up in what everyone else is doing or what people think you ‘should do.’

How did you start at The Infatuation and what has it been like starting it in Philly?

While Sydney was still in NYC, she worked as a Text Rex for The Infatuation. This is a number that anyone can text with specific recommendations for your any need in the city, and often answering questions about Philadelphia, The Infatuation reached out to her to apply to be the head editor for Philly. She has loved moving back to where she grew up and being able to further explore all the great food that is here.

When you feel you’ve gotten into a standstill, or creative rut, what do you do?

Because the nature of her job is to write reviews all day, she said creative ruts often happen when she hits a wall. Staring at a computer all day is definitely tiring. She said the thing that best helps her is to take a walk, change her location, grab a coffee, and just take her mind off of whatever she is working on at the moment. It is so important to give yourself breaks and allow yourself to rest and think about anything else, even if deadlines or work is looming. By getting out and moving around, changing scenery, Sydney often feels as if she can absorb ideas and be inspired by what’s happening around her. This rings true for all of us during school and even during summer jobs or internships. Its OK to take a break, get some fresh air and chillllll. Those extra ten minutes of studying, writing, or reading will not change how you do on that exam.

Of course I had to ask… How do you ‘be well?’

Sydney spends essentially 4-5 nights a week eating out. Each time, she has to order and try multiple things from a menu to really get a feel for the restaurant. So, she focuses on planning out her week and knowing what days will call for a larger dinner, and will adjust the rest of her meals and schedule around it. Setting a time to exercise, or eating lighter meals during the day before eating out is key. As we have often highlighted on this site, having a schedule and planning out your days and weeks can ensure you keep feeling the best you!  

Now that it is finally warming up and summer is upon us, what are some good outdoor bars/rooftops that we should go to so we don’t end up at center city sips everytime?

If you are staying in the area this summer, be sure to check out these places Sydney is really excited about. Her first recommendation is the Tired Hands Beer Garden in Fishtown. You may be familiar with their locations in Ardmore, but their beer garden is fairly new, has a great outdoor space and very chill vibes. Another new place is Sunset Social. It just opened up and is actually located on top of a parking garage. With burgers, drinks, and even a park-like setting, what else could you want? Definitely check these out.

Finally, be sure to be on the lookout for the Summer Guide soon to hit their website and sign up for their newsletter with all the latest on Philly restaurants! Also, follow The Infatuation on their Instagram to check out the restaurants they are recommending and follow along for their stories and restaurant ride-alongs with Sydney!

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