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The Value of Independence

The Value of Independence

By Kaitlin Costarene

There comes a time in each of our lives when the idea of independence sounds particularly daunting. While it might be unsettling to picture yourself eating alone at the Pit or calling the doctor’s office by yourself, these are just a few small things that come with developing a sense of self-governance throughout life. The value of independence is oftentimes overlooked when we are so caught up with a group of friends who support us or when we rely on our parents to do things for us. However, sometimes we grow more independent without even realizing it.

Coming to college, for example, is a major step towards greater independence. Leaving all that you know behind to come to a new place all alone is surely something to be proud of. While the adjustment may have been tough, it’s something that you got through nonetheless. If you’ve studied abroad or plan to study abroad, you will likely be flying across the world with strangers, or maybe a few acquaintances, if you’re lucky. 

With each step towards independence, we become more autonomous individuals. Independence is such a valuable life skill that should only get stronger as we grow older. So how can you become more independent? Here are a few simple steps you can take to push yourself in the right direction:

1. Eat a meal alone or study alone. It doesn’t have to be embarrassing to sit in public by yourself. This is something that you will be doing a lot when you finish college.

2. Be self-motivated. Don’t rely on others to follow through as a motivation to do something. If you had plans to work out with a friend and they cancel, you should still go to the gym, even if it means showing up alone. 

3. Try something new. Making a genuine effort to try something new everyday can be more powerful than you might think. Even if it’s as small as tasting a new food, you’re exposing yourself to the world, and you’re doing it for your own benefit, no one else’s. 

4. Work on your self-confidence. Reminding yourself that you are self-sufficient, intelligent, and capable is a great way to pursue independence. If you believe that you can accomplish things on your own, perhaps you will rely less on others to assist you or accompany you in any given task. 

Keeping these simple steps in mind can get you further than you might think. Of course, change is hard, but embracing those changes will prove to you that you are very capable. While it may sound tough, building your independence and resilience will help you achieve your goals in life without relying too much on others. Of course, having support from loved ones is extremely valuable, but realizing that you are a support system for yourself is even more crucial to happiness and success. So today, show yourself some love by spending time alone -- you may find that you actually enjoy your own company! 

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