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Easing Meditation Into Your Life

Easing Meditation Into Your Life

By Margaret Joel

As a college student, it sometimes seems like the hardest thing to do is find a minute to sit still. That makes a practice like meditation appear almost unattainable in such a fast-paced and hectic world. However, meditation has been scientifically proven as beneficial to the human body and may just be the perfect solution for coping with the chaos of college life. 

Meditation is simply a way to train your mind to focus as well as a way to redirect your thoughts. On top of stress management, it can also improve concentration, aid the immune system, increase self-awareness, and provide a greater sense of happiness. 

Still, the process may seem grueling to some. The thought of having to sit still with one’s thoughts and no distractions can be intimidating. However, there are many simple ways to incorporate this beneficial practice into daily life starting today. 

The easiest way to start a mindfulness practice is to practice breathing. It sounds simple, but taking time out of a busy day to just sit and breathe is something few people actually do. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath from your belly. While exhaling, actively think about releasing all of the negative energy from your body and breathing back in positivity. 

Another way to easily start meditating is to practice effortless presence meditation. Effortless presence meditation is anything that allows the mind to be empty, still, and quiet. This may already be occurring through the hobbies in one’s regular routine. For instance, coloring books, beading, or any form of craft are positive ways to be effortlessly present. 

Regardless of how meditation is approached, it’s definitely a hard practice to work through by oneself. With that said, guided meditation where someone walks through the sequences of silencing the body and mind with the help of calming music and nature sounds may be a solution. Apps like Headspace and Calm are great options to help with guided meditation and contain different categories depending on specific times of the day, life experiences, and time commitments. 

Further, to experience a more hands-on meditative experience, try taking a yoga class. Not only can yoga improve strength and balance, but it also acts as a form of meditation that is proven to alleviate stress and clear the mind. 

The fact is, anyone can meditate just about anywhere with a bit of effort. Think about the time spent in the shower, on a commute, or right before bed. Taking a minute to focus on the breath to slow down these everyday activities can make a huge difference. 

No matter how it’s started or how much time is committed, everyone could embrace a bit more time for him or herself whenever possible. Without putting mental clarity first, there’s no way to perform well in all other aspects of life! 

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