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How to Make Reading Your Favorite Hobby Again

How to Make Reading Your Favorite Hobby Again

By Annie Condodina

It becomes hard to reconcile -- your favorite hobby from your childhood days has nearly faded away during the school year. You cherish the days on the beach when you can pick it back up again, or a cozy night by the fire over Christmas break when you’ve finally escaped all your semester responsibilities.

College students often have difficulty finding time to read a good book just for fun, something that many people enjoyed earlier in their childhood but lost the habit once the workload increased. By the end of the day, it’s easy to say that you don’t have time to read, though you certainly have time to scroll on Instagram or watch Netflix.

Here’s how you can make reading your favorite hobby again.

First, pick something you’re actually interested in reading.

This sounds silly and maybe obvious, but the truth is that if the bland biography that everyone told you is a must-read has been sitting on your shelf for a year, it might be time to give up on it. Don’t get caught up in the famous, prize-winning books if they’re not for you. Don’t be afraid of cheesy rom-com books or the YA section -- no one is judging you.

Second, set aside special time to pick up the book.

It’s really just like elementary school. If you can start to read for 30 minutes a few nights a week, it’ll become a habit. By putting off even picking up a book, it’s easier to resort to those excuses. Letting yourself have 30 minutes to yourself can kickstart your interest in the first few chapters, which might be all you need to let yourself have those 30 minutes a few times a week. 

Third, be realistic and hold yourself accountable.

There are some weeks when you really have too much homework, or you just really need to lay down. That’s totally okay. You won’t always have the time to stay up late devouring a book like you used to. But if you find yourself always throwing on a Netflix show you’re not paying attention to or opening and closing the same apps dozens of times, you can change up your typical day with something new.

This is less of a lesson on how to read and more of a time management tutorial. You brought your books to college insistent that you were going to read them, and now you don’t have the time. Except, you do have the time. You just have to use it well.

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