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Small Changes That Can Impact Your Health In Big Ways

Small Changes That Can Impact Your Health In Big Ways


By: Geralyn Picinich

1.     Always drink a lot of water with your meals.

It will help you feel fuller while hydrating your body (and give you glowing skin which who wouldn’t want?)

2.     Try drinking only water

Juices and other artificial drinks are high in added sugar. You’d be surprised at how fast these calories add up and you’ll feel better without them in your daily intake!

3.     Before going to eat something, ask yourself if you’re truly hungry or just eating out of boredom.

A lot of times, we grab something because it’s convenient and don’t realize we’re not truly hungry. Think about what you’re actually in the mood before having that snack!

4.     Try alternative choices.

Instead of reaching for that ice cream again, try a greek yogurt with granola and honey- something that will fulfill that sweet-tooth craving.

5.     Get full on vegetables.

Vegetables are shockingly filling for the low amount of calories they contain and can be just as tasty as other sides when baked with some oil and spices.

6.     As laborious as it may sound, cook your own food.

While Wawa for dinner may be tempting, you are more conscious of what you eat when making it yourself and are likely to prepare something more nutritious. Plus, most of the time when we eat out, we are eating double the portion size we should be. If you are eating out, try setting an amount aside to take home.

7.     Avoid eating directly out of containers and bags - put them in a bowl instead

This tends to lead to overeating since the food in front of us is not proportioned. This can be especially dangerous while watching tv because we are not fully aware of how much we’re really eating and, more often than not, we’ll reach the bottom of that Tostitos bag without even realizing it.

8.     Stop thinking of it as a diet.

Dieting has a negative connotation, and because of this, we always associate dieting with something we’re forcing ourselves to do. Following a diet only teaches someone how to eat a specific way, not how to live a long-term healthy lifestyle.

9.     Try to be active as least once a day.

If the gym just isn’t the place for you, try some at-home bodyweight moves. Even just taking a walk with friends or opting for the steps rather than the elevator can help push you in the right direction.

10.  Get fresh air.

Take a study break outside or eat lunch outside with friends. Whenever you can, try getting in the sun to soak in some Vitamin D and increase serotonin levels, which in response will boost your mood.

11.  You’ve heard it a million times but, try to get enough sleep.

Studies show that when we skip sleep, we disrupt the chemicals in our bodies that signal when we feel satisfied. As a result, overeating occurs. Lack of sleep also stimulates cravings for high-fat and high-carb foods which means you’ll be craving those leftover french fries your roommate brought home.

12.  And remember, don’t beat yourself up over a midnight snack or a skipped day at the gym.

One cheat day here and there won’t hurt you as long as you keep your goal in mind!

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